How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu 22.04?
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Among the various tools available for developing Android is Android Studio. This multi-platform tool offers a variety of layouts for creating aesthetically pleasing GUIs, operates on a broad range of operating infrastructure, and has a ton of built-in capabilities. These features enabled this solution to displace the formerly well-liked Eclipse IDE tool.
There are certain prerequisites that need to be met before you begin:
Server with Ubuntu 22.04
Non-root user (sudo-enabled)
Red Colour: Input
Green Colour: Output
When using sudo to execute a command, you might be asked for your user password.
When a command is executed, you could be asked if you wish to carry it out further or not. Enter "Y" to proceed or "n" to end, and then press ENTER.
Step 1: Update all dependencies
Run the below command to fetch the package information from all configured sources.
Step 2: Download installation package
Run the below command to download and install the package fetched above.
Step 3: Install Java Development Kit
Use the following command to install Java Development Kit (JDK):
Step 4: Install Android Studio
Execute the Android Studio installation command as:
On Ubuntu 22.04, Snap can be used to install Android Studio.