How to install Android Studio on Ubuntu 22.04?


Among the various tools available for developing Android is Android Studio. This multi-platform tool offers a variety of layouts for creating aesthetically pleasing GUIs, operates on a broad range of operating infrastructure, and has a ton of built-in capabilities. These features enabled this solution to displace the formerly well-liked Eclipse IDE tool.


There are certain prerequisites that need to be met before you begin:

  • Server with Ubuntu 22.04

  • Non-root user (sudo-enabled)


  • Red Colour: Input

  • Green Colour: Output

Common prompts

  • When using sudo to execute a command, you might be asked for your user password.

  • When a command is executed, you could be asked if you wish to carry it out further or not. Enter "Y" to proceed or "n" to end, and then press ENTER.

Get Started

Step 1: Update all dependencies

Run the below command to fetch the package information from all configured sources.

sudo apt-get update

Step 2: Download installation package

Run the below command to download and install the package fetched above.

sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 3: Install Java Development Kit

Use the following command to install Java Development Kit (JDK):

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

Step 4: Install Android Studio

Execute the Android Studio installation command as:

sudo snap install android-studio --classic


On Ubuntu 22.04, Snap can be used to install Android Studio.

Last updated