How to install Sublime Text Editor on Ubuntu 20.04?


Sublime Text is a widely used and highly customizable text editor loved by developers for its speed, simplicity, and powerful features. This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing Sublime Text on Ubuntu 20.04, ensuring you have everything you need to get started with this popular editor.


There are certain prerequisites that need to be met before you begin.

  • A system running Ubuntu 20.04

  • Access to a terminal with sudo privileges

  • Stable internet connection

Get Started

Step 1: Add the Sublime Text GPG key to your system by running the following command:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Step 2: Add the Sublime Text APT repository to the package sources list by executing the following command:

echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list

Step 3: Update the package list to include the Sublime Text repository by running the following command:

sudo apt update

Step 4: Install Sublime Text by executing the following command:

sudo apt install sublime-text

Step 5: Launch Sublime Text by running the following command in the terminal:



You have successfully installed Sublime Text Editor on your Ubuntu 20.04 system. You can now explore and take advantage of its powerful features, extensive customization options, and efficient workflow. Sublime Text provides an excellent environment for coding, text editing, and project management. Enjoy your experience with Sublime Text as you embark on your coding journey!

Last updated