How to install Mono on Debian 10?


Mono is a platform for creating and running cross-platform applications. The Microsoft.NET framework is implemented using free and open-source software.

This tutorial will explain you how to set up Mono under Debian 10.


There are certain prerequisites that need to be met before you begin.

  • A machine running Debian 10

  • A root user having Sudo privileges

  • Internet connection

Get Started

Step 1: Installing the package

In the regular Debian repository, Mono is not present. We'll use the official Mono repository to install the Mono packages. It is a simple procedure that won't take more than a few minutes.

  • Always be sure to update your system before downloading the latest packages. Run the following command to do it:

sudo apt update
  • After the system has been updated and upgraded, you must install a few crucial packages using the following command:

sudo apt install dirmngr gnupg apt-transport-https ca-certificates

Step 2: Import GPG Repository Key

To import the repository's GPG key, execute the following command:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF

Step 3: Addition of Mono Repository

Add the Mono repository to your system sources’ list using the following command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable-buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list'

Step 4: Installation of Mono

Update the packages list and install Mono when the apt repository has been enabled.

sudo apt install mono-complete

he meta-package known as mono-complete installs the runtime, development tools, and all libraries necessary for Mono development.

Step 5: Verification of Mono Version

Check the Mono version installation by printing:

mono --version

The most recent stable version of Mono is 6.8.0 Stable ( as of the time this article was being written.


In this tutorial, we learnt about Mono and how to install it. Developers may create tools and apps with the aid of Mono. For your benefit and to ensure a properly installed product, we have thoroughly explained each step.

Last updated