How to install Anaconda on Ubuntu 20.04?


In the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, Anaconda is commonly used as a package manager, it is designed to provide python based scientific libraries and dependencies.

Learn step-by-step instructions on how to install Anaconda on Ubuntu 20.04. Easy guide for beginners with pictures and explanations.


There are certain prerequisites that need to be met before you begin:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 installed, or an Ubuntu 20.04 server set up.

  • User account with admin privileges.

  • Working knowledge of the Linux command line.

Get Started

We will install the latest version on Anaconda, verify the installer's integrity, and run the bash script to install it on Ubuntu 20.04.

Follow the steps below to install Anaconda on Ubuntu 20.04.

1. Updating the Package Manager

Use the following command to update the local package manager:

sudo apt-get update

2. Installing Curl

Use the following command to install curl if it isn't already installed on your system as we will use curl to download the installer in the next step:

sudo apt-get install curl

3. Downloading Anaconda

At the time of writing this tutorial the latest version of Anaconda is 2022.10. Visit the official Anaconda page to get the latest version. Get the URL and utilize it to download the latest version.

In your terminal, navigate to /tmp directory.

cd /tmp

Download the installer and output it to a file named for quick access.

curl --output

4. Verifying the Integrity of the Download Using Checksum

A security tool called checksum is used to confirm the legitimacy of the installer.

Use the following command to confirm the integrity of the download :


A series of numbers is displayed in the output, cross-reference them against the hash (or checksum) available in the official Anaconda documentation.

5. Running the Installation Script

Use the following command to run the Anaconda installation script :


Press 'ENTER' and review the displayed license agreement.

Enter 'yes' to agree to the license terms.

You will be prompted to select the location of installation, press 'ENTER' to use the default location or specify a different location of your choice.

After the installation is finished the following output will be displayed, type 'yes' and press 'ENTER' to initialize Anaconda3.

Anaconda3 has been successfully installed.

6. Activating and Testing the Installation

Use the following command to activate the installation:

source ~/.bashrc

Use the following command to test the installation:

conda info


This tutorial helped you to install Anaconda on Ubuntu 20.04.

Last updated

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