How to install Open LiteSpeed Web Server on Ubuntu 22.04?
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OpenLiteSpeed Web Server is an easy-to-use open-source version of LiteSpeed. It provides your sites with unrivaled functionality, performance, and top-tier security. The server recognizes all Apache rewrite rules and has sophisticated cache acceleration capabilities that allow you to install the quickest caching on your server.
This tutorial will show you how to install the Open LiteSpeed Web Server on Ubuntu 22.04 and how to access the Open LiteSpeed dashboard.
There are certain prerequisites that need to be met before you begin.
Server with Ubuntu 22.04
Non-root user (sudo-enabled)
Red Color: Input
Green Color: Output
Every time you use sudo before a command as a non-root user, you can be prompted for your user password in order to execute the command.
When a command is executed, you could be asked if you wish to carry it out further or not. Enter "Y" to proceed or "n" to end, and then press ENTER.
Step 1: OpenLiteSpeed and PHP 8.1 Installation
Let's begin by updating and upgrading the packages present on your server.
i. Run the below command to fetch the package information from all configured sources.
ii. Run the below command to download and install the package fetched above.
iii. Use the following command to add the OpenLiteSpeed Ubuntu repository to your server.
iv. Once you’ve added the OpenLiteSpeed repository, now you can install PHP 8.1 with the below command:
After setting up the OpenLiteSpeed web server, let's protect it by generating an administrator credential.
Step 2: Create a Username and Password
We must now create a new admin username and password for the OpenLiteSpeed web server.
Move to your default directory to create the credential using the below command:
Run the below command to execute the script, which will help you create a new admin credential.
You'll be prompted to enter a username. If you proceed further without first creating a username, then "admin" is your default username. You are free to set whatever username you want.
The account will then be required to establish a password. Enter your preferred administrative password and press Enter. Then retype the password and hit Enter again.
Step 3: Accessing the Dashboard
OpenLiteSpeed will run immediately after installation. You can see if lsws service has launched or not using the command shown below:
As shown in the below screenshot, an active (running) response shows that the OpenLiteSpeed web server is now running.
Use the following command to start your lsws service if it hasn't already started.
You can now access the OpenLiteSpeed Dashboard by navigating to https://<Sever IP>:7080. Enter your username and password created in Step 2.
Note: The default port number is 7080, but you may modify it via the OpenLiteSpeed dashboard.
Once authorized, you will be redirected to the OpenLiteSpeed administrator portal.