How to rebuild an instance?

Rebuilding an instance allows you to start from scratch while keeping the same IP address.

You can rebuild an instance using the same image in OpenStack by following the instructions below.

Step 1: Log into your account on the OpenStack portal.

Step 2: Go to Instances.

Step 3: Click on the drop-down of the instance you want to rebuild and select Rebuild Instance.

Step 4: Select the same image and choose the disk partition as Automatic. Click on Rebuild Instance to proceed. (For example, in step 2, the selected instance's image name is Ubuntu-20.04. This step requires you to select the same image from the drop-down menu.)

You will get the message: "Info: Rebuilding instance 8ddccba1-b804-4a08-bnd4-5b61ed77a9b1."

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