How to resize an Instance?

By resizing, you can change the flavor of an instance. Also, you can rescale RAM or compute the instance as per your use.

To resize an instance, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Login to your account.

Step 2: Navigate to Services and then click on My Services.

Step 3: Click on your project.

Step 4: From the left navigation menu, select Compute and then click on Instances.

Step 5: Choose your instance and click on the Instance name.

Step 6: Click on Select and choose Shut Off Instance from the drop-down menu.

Step 7: Once the instance is off, Click on Resize Instance from the same drop-down.

Step 8: Fill in all the required details and click on Resize Instance.

Step 9: Once the instance is resized click on Confirm Resize/Migrate.

Last updated